I Can See You (Taylor's Version)
CAMS- Establishing shot: Mysterious van sitting outside of an unmarked building
Close up: Of a girl looking at all of the costumes, sees one from her and Taylor's first meeting, signifies importance of saving a friend.
Two shot: Two people seen in a vault, trying to find something while hiding from people
Tracking: Follows them down the stairs, getting closer to rescuing Taylor
Pan: Compares two sides of the story, the rescuers and the rescued
Zoom: Girl lighting the torch, final touch of escape
Wide: Van driving away, successful mission, but ends on scary aspect as it indicates someone is still watching them
Low angle: Walking to the entrance of the unmarked building, suspicions rise
Eye level: With Taylor, shows worry in her eyes, as something is to happen if she is not rescued soon
Editing- Insert: Taylor's lips singing the song, importance of those specific lyrics is emphasized
Pyrotechnics from explosion: Once again goes to the extent of the rescue
Sounds- Non-diegetic Sound: Lyrics of the song, play throughout the video (importance of lyrics on acting)
Diegetic Sound: Kicking down the door, fighting sounds, glass breaking
Mis En Scene- Lighting: dark, nighttime, known horror aspect; Purple lighting, within the night this makes the author stand out
Props: Computers, questions arise on who is watching who: Mannequins with dresses, indicates Taylor's past Brief case: Carrying something important
Make-up: Three stars on her face, red lipstick, 13 marked on her hand, Taylor swift frame
Acting: Fighting, stress, karate
Look What You Made Me Do
CAMS- Establishing shot: graveyard introduces horror aspect of music video
Zoom: Emphasizes "Here lies Taylor Swift's Reputation" on a tombstone, as if something has died
Eye level: Zombie emerging from ground, jump scare
Dutch/Canted: Her world (graveyard) is off balanced
High Angle: She is filling in her own grave
Aerial Shot: Transition from her grave into a bathtub of diamonds (rags to riches)
Wide Shot: She is sitting in the bathtub playing with diamonds
Close Up: emphasizes the lyrics, speaking from her heart
Editing- Pyrotechnics from gun shot
Fade out: Shows her supremacy, she is in a high position
Sounds-Diegetic sound- thunder/lightning: gives off spooky vibes, cheering for all the reputations,
Non Diegetic sound- lyrics coming from background of video
Dialogue- all the reputations are talking to each other
Mis-en-scene- Makeup: bold eyeliner, zombie makeup, red lipstick , sparkly eyeshadow, dark red lip
Props: shovel when shes digging her grave, diamond necklace that she plays with in the bath of diamonds, throne of snakes, car crashing, pile of money on fire, gold in vault, guitar, trophy
Lighting: dark foggy lighting, lightning in graveyard, flashing lights as she is swinging in the cage, red lights as she is speaking to her army, low lighting with blue lighting coming from the "T"
Acting: crawling from her grave in an intimidating tone, choreography, facial expressions in all scenes
Bad Blood
CAMS- Establishing shot: multiple buildings shown at night
Zoom-: She just finished beating up someone, she put on lipstick showing dominance
Pan: she slides in a chair across the room, shows the scene of the fight
Wide shot: Another girl is beating up more guys
Over the shoulder: shows one girl being pushes through the window by the other girl
Low angle: multiple girls in a room getting ready to fight
Tracking shot: shows a girl walking through a hallway of weaponry
Two shot: two girls are fighting
Editing-Pyrotechnics from explosion behind a group of girls
Fade in: shows a big building then transitions into an office space
Sounds- Diegetic sound: glass shattering, fighting sound effects, alarm
Non-Diegetic: lyrics in the background of the video
Mis-En-Scene- Lighting: dark nighttime sky, white light in the office, red lights
Props: Lipstick, mirror, briefcase: contains something important, desk: someone is thrown on top of it.
Makeup: dark lipstick, bold eyeliner,
Acting: fight scene, facial expressions
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