Hey y'all! welcome back to my blog! Today we are re-editing. Maybe I would put an exclamation mark after that sentence but let me tell you... it takes a long time to edit. Am I excited? yes and no. But the only thing that's keeping me going is the fact that after this we are DONE with the final task! Ok, first things first we had to change the audio. I know I'm sad too because I felt like I found the most perfect audio on YouTube. The reason for this change is because I was making sure it was copyright free and I guess it's not? I mean the title on the video says it is but I checked the comments and got so upset. People said when they used this for their videos they got a copyright strike so I went with my gut and chose a different copyright audio. Then after screen recording the new audio I applied it to the film. It actually went way better with the video than the previous audio I used. Another thing I did was that I applied a green screen effect to the news reporter...