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Creative Critical Reflection - Final Task

 1. How does your product use or challenge conventions AND how does it represent social groups or issues? 


     This product utilizes conventions in horror and thriller movies. We used camera angles, music, editing, and dialogue that are commonly used in movies like this. For example, this product has scenes that are close-ups which are used in horror films to show fear in characters or to show what may be happening to change the viewer's focus while watching. In this scene right here we used a close-up to show the killer show that the audience can feel how close the killer was to the main character without her knowing. Almost as a dramatic irony. When the characters don't know what may be going on but the audience does. Overall, the product was truly a thriller because of the amount of suspense it had. Each scene kept building up which is usually what horror/thriller films use. But it does challenge conventions because of costumes. In this scene here the two cops didn't have uniforms but it still looked like there were two cops. Also, most props used in horror and thriller films use fake blood, weapons, etc. But the product avoided using these to rule out the true gore. It shows more innocence in the film making it available to all ages of audience. 

    Now for how it represents social groups and issues. The product targets both. It mainly shows the struggle with internal issues like schizophrenia and anxiety. As shown in the scenes we can picture that this is all a dream for the main character and she believes it's real. It shows awareness to people who have internal struggles like these to feel what it's like to be in their shoes which is important to understand people psychologically. However, many viewers can see a different meaning for the product as in the horror category. 

    Thank you guys so much for watching my travel blog and for the next one I'll be covering question 2!


2. How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text? 


    This product engages with audiences by not knowing what might be next. I mean you open to a girl waking up with her phone going through her hand! On a real note, the product always has a new surprise in each scene. This engages with the viewers because you have to watch the whole thing to understand what's happening. The plot really builds up each time. Everyone loves a good thriller that can happen to have so many conspiracy theories. Like is she asleep the whole time? Was she awake the whole time? Was she actually dead from the start? Who knows but that's what keeps the audience on their toes about any possibility that can happen. For all of the outcomes that the audience can think of I'm sure this can be distributed as a real media text as a movie series. This can be on any streaming platform like Netflix, HBO, Hulu, etc. It will also gain a ton of revenue with marketing on social media and polls about the conspiracy theories on what might happen in the next film. I believe that the audience really changes the way a movie is by how they respond to it and it can definitely shock people what might happen next! 

    Thank you guys so much for watching my easter brunch cooking! Stay tuned for question 3! 


3. How did your production skills develop throughout the project?


    received the role of the main character for this product. It was a little wonky doing test runs of recording but overall I am really impressed with how I pulled it off considering I haven't had any previous acting skills. I developed new skills such as paying attention to small details, teamwork, and critical thinking. Although I had previous experiences with these skills from previous projects I feel like it is stronger than it was before. Acting was a new thing for me and after previously studying for my role it turned out amazing! I also gained a new understanding of safety standards since the product was filmed at my house. Not only I had to act but I also had to make sure my group was ok as well as myself. This could also have boosted my multitasking skills. Problem-solving was definitely another great skill I strengthened throughout the project considering at some points we didn't have most props ready. For example, the bloody letter from the mail was made 3 minutes before filming that scene! All thanks to a handy paintbrush and red paint! Another thing I developed strongly was editing. In the scene where the news reporters were doing the news, the border was actually a green screen from a YouTube template which was something that I learned how to put on a video on iMovie. Overall, there are many skills I have learned throughout the final task which have made me stronger in my production skills. 

Thank you guys again for listening to me answer question 3 with my podcast! Last but not least stay tuned for question 4! 


4. How did you integrate technologies - software, hardware, and online - in this project?


    First things first, technology really was what made our project bloom! Learning how to use these types of technologies throughout previous projects helped to make our final task extra special. For starters, I became more experienced with using the camera on the iPhone. I used settings that I didn't know were previously there. So when filming these settings really changed the game. The lighting looked better and overall made the scenes go smoother.  Another technology I learned how to use was CapCut. For the previous projects that I've done, I have always used iMovie because number 1 it is a basic platform, and number 2 it's super easy. My friend recommended CapCut and it changed everything for me. So many new transitions and simpler audio adjusting. It was amazing and I would regret not using it before. It made the outcome of the final task so much better. Another technology platform was Phonto. This app has so many fonts which helped me pick out what our title's font was and the credits throughout the film. It was so simple and super easy although I was overloaded with so many options to choose from! YouTube was another platform I integrated with this project by the green screen effects and also the audio. YouTube has an endless amount of copyright-free music so when I searched "horror copyright-free music" I want to say over 1,000 videos popped up and I found the perfect audio to match our project! Overall, using these technologies really helped us film this project and I'm really impressed with how everything turned out! 

Thank you guys so much for watching my night routine where I discussed question 4! That will be all for my Creative critical reflection for my final task! So glad you were a part of this journey with me! 

