Hi y'all! It's Rowyn again. Today is our final edits of the commercial! I finished adding every video and photo and now it is time to add the song. I chose Stubborn Love by the Lumineers. For adding the song you can't choose it on IMovie and bam you're done, you have to screen record it on Youtube. After doing that I looked at some of my friend's commercials and saw that they had some sort of title in the beginning. For this I went to the app Phonto and then used my beginning photo as a base and used the font "Keep on Truckin" to make a title saying "My life". It sounds cheesy but it added a nice touch! I remember one day this trend popped up on my feed on TikTok and it said "If my life were a 30 second trailer", this trend inspired me the whole time making this because I wanted it to be very wholesome and sweet. I also added another video at the end my best friend Lindsay took for me in the Keys. I thought this video was beautiful because of the sky in the background reflecting on the ocean and my dress ties it all together so I obviously had to include it! I am very proud of how my commercial turned out. I wish I had more content of me in Vermont because I believe it defines me as a person. Me jumping into the stream was super fun and we go every year but I sometimes forget about my phone when I'm there! Editing and watching my commercial gives me so much inspiration to do everything this world has to offer. I mean we only live once so why not live to our full potential? Now I know I'm only a sophomore in high school, but imagine all of the things I can do in the future? It's late so maybe im thinking deeply about this but this commercial has definitely given me motivation! That's it for my commercial! I've had so much fun updating and telling y'all about my process and we have come a long way! So long and see you next time!
1. How does your product use or challenge conventions AND how does it represent social groups or issues? Answer: This product utilizes conventions in horror and thriller movies. We used camera angles, music, editing, and dialogue that are commonly used in movies like this. For example, this product has scenes that are close-ups which are used in horror films to show fear in characters or to show what may be happening to change the viewer's focus while watching. In this scene right here we used a close-up to show the killer show that the audience can feel how close the killer was to the main character without her knowing. Almost as a dramatic irony. When the characters don't know what may be going on but the audience does. Overall, the product was truly a thriller because of the amount of suspense it had. Each scene kept building up which is usually what horror/thriller films use. But it does challenge conventions because of costumes. In this scene h...
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